Ellipsometer (Woollam) - Measuring thin metals with oxide pre-measurement

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How to measure thin ≤50nm metal dep. rates using ellipsometry, with "reflectivity enhancement" on a Silicon wafer with SiO2 coating. Also useful for Witness samples (ie. inserted for deposition along with production wafers)

Deposition rate test w/ TOX Witness samples For thin metals - eg. ≤50nm (exact limit is different for various metals, based on optical absorption)
Wafers for rate cal: Silicon with ~500nm-1000nm Thermal Oxide (TOX). 

Cleave into quarters (2" wafers or thin ~300µm wafers preferred for easy cleaving).

Ellipsometer: pre-measure before dep Normal "Cauchy on Silicon" recipe

Fit only 300nm+

Once fit is very good,

[Save Snapshot] and save file into your directory (top-right of window)

Metal Deposition: Any technique
(optional) Include above TOX Witness piece with sample
Target ~5-30nm of dep If very short (eg. 30sec), make sure uniformity will be ok (eg. AJA substrate rotation is at Max)
Ellipsometer: measure after dep
Measure with "Standard" setting


You can also save data *after* the scan with

Data (top-left of screen) > [Save]

Later, we will load this NEW (post-dep) data into the pre-dep Snapshot

Open Snapshot from pre-measurement
Turn off ALL fitting params in Cauchy (thickness, A/B/C)

Turn off Angle fit and set Angle = 0

Turn off "Fit Options" > "Thickness pre-fit" (I think it's in Model params)
Load *new* data with

Data (top-left of screen) > [Open]

Will still show model + fit from pre-meas.
Select wavelengths 300nm+
Add Layer Basic > B-SPLINE on top of layer stack Best fit wih BSPLINE model on top of Cauchy,
B-Spline params:

- Starting mat = Au - Thickness = 15nm Only fitting Thickness on this layer

Pre meausred undep'd TOX and then added bspline (with Au starting mat) on top.
Click Model > [FIT] Can do [Generate] first to see how close it is.
[Save Snapshot] when have good fit
Record Thickness of B-SPLINE, nm
Demis D. John, 2022-10-27 - based on J.A.Woollam instructions.